Friday, October 12, 2012

Apple Picking 2012

Saturday we finally went apple picking. I was excited to go because I love going every year. Yes I may whine a little in this post like a little kid, and yes I know that you can’t get everything you want in life, but you can come damn close if you try hard enough.  Either way, the weather was great. I still don’t envision apple picking in shorts and a tee shirt, but I’ll take it. Of course we get about 10mins into picking and my battery dies on my camera. That was my own fault for not making sure that it was charged beforehand. The one thing that I did like was that there were different apples to pick because we ended up coming later in the season. However since we thought that most of the apples we normally pick were gone we didn’t walk down the main aisle and I missed all the Cortland apples that I love to eat and cook with. They still had loads of those on the trees. Seth did get a bunch of honey crisp. I was able to pick my favorite- Granny Smith.  And we did get a few called Golden Russett. I guess it’s a very old variety of apple and they are supposed to be really good for cooking because they start out really firm.

There was a little fall festival going on so we stopped over to the other side of the orchard and Aiden was all excited to go on some of the bouncy house. We sent Rebecca into one of them and she did stay in for a little bit, but in the end she came out half way through her time because there were just too many kids in there for her and they don’t pay attention. They just jump around. We picked our pumpkins and called it a day. Next year I may just get smaller bags and go twice that season to get different types of apples.

 These apple looking little little golden nuggets and are kind of fuzzy as well. They taste pretty good.

 So many to pick from.

She was NOT a fan of sitting on the pumpkin.

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