This past weekend we took the kids to see the Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Circus at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence. We did end up getting there a couple of minutes late because the state decided that Sautrday afternoon was a great day to shut down 2 out of 3 lanes on the highway to cut trees. Last year it was just us and Aiden and we did it as a special day for him since Rebecca was just 3mos old. Aiden loved the show. Rebecca did pretty well also. She sat still for half of the show and then I know she was starting to get tired again. Luckily we were down in the first row so we had a little extra leg room and we were able to put her down so that she could stand on her own and watch the show. Towards the end I did have to take her up to the mezzanine level so she could run free. Part of me wants to make this a yearly tradition, but Seth is not so sure. He asked me if I went the circus every year when I was little. I looked at him and said "No! Because we were poor." I did go one time and that was because it was at a girls birthday party and I am pretty sure the parent's paid for the tickets. Well....we'll see what we do. I guess there is only so many shows and at some point even if the theme is different, the show is essentially the same stuff. Either way the kids had a blast and I still enjoy seeing the circus.

Aiden liked the giant "kitties"
The look like little bubbles or ornaments just hanging there.
These twins did most of their act hanging in the air by their hair.
Shaolin Masters.
Jumping blind folded through a ringing of flaming swords.
Enjoying some popcorn.
Laughing at the clowns.
Cat tricks.
Aidens favorite- the elephants.
4 cyclists. Pretty neat motion shot. They had the blacklights on them.
There are 8 motorcycles in that globe right now.
Here comes the Dragon. The theme of the show.
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