Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gingerbread House Time

In continuing with the tradition my randfather sent us a gingerbread house. We received one last year and being a novice at building one I didn;t wait long enough for the frosting to harden so the walls kind of started to slide inside the house. This year I got smart and we waited until the frosting had hardened on each part before going onto the next part. i.e. I did the sides first and then when that was hard I put the roof on. And I even went back and reinforced all the seams with extra frosting.

With the house sitting there staring at him in the face Aiden kept asking me when he could decorate his house. I had planned on doing it Sunday, but then he came down with a fever so I didn't think that it was appropriate for him to be "playing" with food when he was not feeling so great. Today he stayed home from daycare and of course when I got home from an interview I had this morning he immediately asked me if he could decorate his house. Other then the temp and a lack of appetite he was doing pretty good so hey, what the heck. He did have fun building it and it came out looking really good. A lot of frosting was eaten in the process as well. 

 sampling the candy before decorating.
 details to the roof
Admiring his work.

Aiden wanted to take his own picture of the house.
 The final product.

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