Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years ago

So like many people today I sit and think about what I was doing on this day ten years ago. A lot has happened in the past ten years. Seth and I solidifies our relationship. We moved in together. Got engaged. Got married. Bought a house and had two beautiful children. But when anyone brings up Sept 11th I think about the exact time that I woke to Seth calling me and telling me that there was no way I was getting on a plane later that day. This was even before the towers fell. The first plane had just hit and this was even before we knew it was an act of terrorism against our country.

That evening I had a flight back to GA to start my Second semester at SCAD. After seeing the footAge I didn't want to fly nor did I want to leave anyone close to me. Then they shut down all airports so there was no way I could fly even if I was crazy to want to. The day was frantic as Seth's sister was somewhere in the city and we couldn't get a hold of her. Things were better once we were able to speak with her to know that he was safe.

A couple days later I contacted school. They were jot so forgiving about the situation and told me that I had 2 days to get to Savannah or a failed for the semester. It was a trimester school and they only allowed 3 absences a semester. Umm ok. Did you not watch the news?! I live in an area that is still pretty much on lock down and my car is at school otherwise I would have driven back. So I withdrew for the semester. I was bummed but a school that doesn't see to care about what is going on isn't the school for me. My mom was mad at me but there were other factors up in the air as well including my housing arrangements that were not finalized still.

In the end it brought Seth and I closer. If I had gone back down GA would we still be together? Would we had called it quits because of the long distance? Who knows. I do know that my life would not be what it is today had this tragedy not occurred. I'm not saying that it was good that it happened, but that out of every tragedy there is always some good that happens. So on this day I thank all the troops that have sacrificed. I will think about all the people that lost their lives on the airplanes and in the towers. And I will forever be grateful that we were so fortunate to not have been personally affected by this as so many have.

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