Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Game Play

We don't play that many games in our house and I really wish we did. I think its a great tool for skill building and it teaches your child about fairness; that you can't win every time. Now that Aiden is getting bigger I'd like to start playing games more often. I may even pick up a new game every couple of weeks. Games are fun and I also think they are something great that you can do as a family. This past weekend we played Bingo and we tried Candy Land again. The first time that we tried to play candy Land Aiden didn't seem to really understand the concept, but now that it has been some time he understood the game well. He also likes to play Hungry Hippos and his Cars fishing game.

Aiden won the first round of Bingo and I won the second. He did win in Candy Land with, um a little help from me. We were pretty much tied and he pulled a card that sent him all the way back to the beginning so I kind of helped him get a card that would bring him back up to where my piece was. the rest he won on his own. Yes that does not teach him fairness, but he is still young and this summer he will start soccer so he can start learning more about that then. Besides, what parent doesn't let their children win?

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